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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Quick Update

A nap for Violet after a long day of gift opening.

Nothing much to report, just a few pictures from the past couple days. The girls have received many, many gifts and we consider ourselves spoiled! We are thankful for all of the generous and kind and thoughtful gifts from family and friends all around the country! We are so lucky to have such love and support!


Gingerbread outfit photo shoot drool outtake.

Gingerbread outfit photo shoot

An excited Audrey.

Grandma Dixie with Violet at snack time.

Puppy Love

Audrey is my gift.

Violet naps.

Friday, December 23, 2011


I went on a walk today while the girls took an afternoon snooze. It is chilly out and I found some comfort in my winter jacket and gloves. As the slight breeze nipped at my face, I found myself nearly frustrated at having to walk rather than run. I have been running for so long now that a walk seems almost a waste of time!

Running has been a source of new life for me both figuratively and literally this year. I enjoy very much the solitude it provides, or the companionship when running with a partner. Today, however, I find myself without my gear, and it is too cold to really run. Instead, I opt for a walk and bundle-up. As I settle into my stride, I found myself looking at things in even more detail. The cracks in the sidewalk, the rust on bumpers, signs, lawn decorations.

There are times, I realize, that is is important to walk rather than run. I get so used to running that walking seems a defeat to the pace I've been working so hard to attain. Slowing down is to admit that I cannot run forever. I think of ways that it might be possible to run forever, all winter, all spring, summer, and fall. But this walk is pleasant. I am savoring this walk. it is nice to not worry about time, about distance, or speed. Shifting my thinking towards my surroundings rather than inner concentration.

The true goal, I realize, is to keep moving in one form or another. To not stop is the thing I am really trying to accomplish today. It brings me comfort to understand that walking is OK. There are times I will run, and times I will walk. Both bring new thoughts and keep me moving forward and allow me to reach new destinations regardless of speed or pace. What is important is that I enjoy the time I have and what is happening around me as I move through time and space. The old cliche is true that it is not so much the destination, but the journey getting there that is most important.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

These are a few of...

My Favorite Things:

Audrey laughing...not jus tlaughing, but full-out uncontrolled laughing.

Seeing Kim and violet snuggled in a pile of blankets asleep.

Running at night under a full moon.

Watching Phoebe the dog nearly catch a squirrel.

Being the only one awake in the morning.

Fresh coffee.

Working with kids.

Watching large snowflakes fall by the streetlights at night.

A good nap.

The smell of cinnamon and brown sugar.

Hot oatmeal on a cold, grey day.

My slippers.

Wearing jeans on a Tuesday at work.

Lounging on the couch with the dog, both kids, and my wife.

Daydreaming about my favorite things.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

From my view

From my view...

My daughter sleeps on my lap.

My oldest daughter plays in her snowflake jams in the living room.

My dog is curled up on the couch.

My wife is making tacos for dinner.

From my view...

The tree is lit and glowing in the dim living room.

The cold night pushes against our windows but does not seep in.

Our home is a home.

From my view...

The world is beautiful.

My life is beautiful.

We are so blessed.