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Friday, December 23, 2011


I went on a walk today while the girls took an afternoon snooze. It is chilly out and I found some comfort in my winter jacket and gloves. As the slight breeze nipped at my face, I found myself nearly frustrated at having to walk rather than run. I have been running for so long now that a walk seems almost a waste of time!

Running has been a source of new life for me both figuratively and literally this year. I enjoy very much the solitude it provides, or the companionship when running with a partner. Today, however, I find myself without my gear, and it is too cold to really run. Instead, I opt for a walk and bundle-up. As I settle into my stride, I found myself looking at things in even more detail. The cracks in the sidewalk, the rust on bumpers, signs, lawn decorations.

There are times, I realize, that is is important to walk rather than run. I get so used to running that walking seems a defeat to the pace I've been working so hard to attain. Slowing down is to admit that I cannot run forever. I think of ways that it might be possible to run forever, all winter, all spring, summer, and fall. But this walk is pleasant. I am savoring this walk. it is nice to not worry about time, about distance, or speed. Shifting my thinking towards my surroundings rather than inner concentration.

The true goal, I realize, is to keep moving in one form or another. To not stop is the thing I am really trying to accomplish today. It brings me comfort to understand that walking is OK. There are times I will run, and times I will walk. Both bring new thoughts and keep me moving forward and allow me to reach new destinations regardless of speed or pace. What is important is that I enjoy the time I have and what is happening around me as I move through time and space. The old cliche is true that it is not so much the destination, but the journey getting there that is most important.

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