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Thursday, December 22, 2011

These are a few of...

My Favorite Things:

Audrey laughing...not jus tlaughing, but full-out uncontrolled laughing.

Seeing Kim and violet snuggled in a pile of blankets asleep.

Running at night under a full moon.

Watching Phoebe the dog nearly catch a squirrel.

Being the only one awake in the morning.

Fresh coffee.

Working with kids.

Watching large snowflakes fall by the streetlights at night.

A good nap.

The smell of cinnamon and brown sugar.

Hot oatmeal on a cold, grey day.

My slippers.

Wearing jeans on a Tuesday at work.

Lounging on the couch with the dog, both kids, and my wife.

Daydreaming about my favorite things.

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