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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The sun is rising on this sweet San Jose morning. I sit with my wife at Gate 24 waiting to board our flight to Kauai. We watch the mountain range lighten in front of us as activity in the airport increases behind.

What luck! My life is too wonderful it seems. While I try to be a good person, I cannot think of a single action or deed I have done to make my life such a blessing.

We are all fighting a difficult battle in life, and challenges and obstacles abound. As I sit here in the morning light, however, it is impossible not to think about my beautiful daughters, my beautiful wife, and the love from all of our family and friends.

In a few hours I will reunite with childhood friends in one of the most scenic places on earth. Time changes everyone, but I am confident it will never erode our small circle where memories are kept alive through our collective efforts.

Life is beautiful. Even when it is a battle, remember the times before and the times to come that will give you the strength to continue fighting until you arrive at the point you wish to be.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

When You Try Sometimes...

Audrey at the park

While the blog posts haven't been frequent, the happenings around the Orelove household have been quite frequent. With two girls growing and learning and moving all the time, I find it difficult to dedicate much time to bloggin, as I want to participate in as much of things as possible.

Daddy and Audrey at sunset.

Violet is such a wonderful little baby! She seems to be developing at an amazing rate. At only four months, it feels like she just got here, but she has adapted to life in our house quite well. She is responsive and highly alert. She is always a smile away from melting your heart, and a grin away from making you giggle.

Up high on the play set.

Our household has been welding even tighter bonds as time presses on. So many of those old songs have new meanings about childhood and growing quickly and children changing in front of our eyes. My girls never cease to amaze me daily with their questioning and awareness of their world around them. Their willingness to enjoy life wherever they are make them a joy to spend time with and interact with.

Sunday morning cuddling in the big bed.


St. Violet?

Bottle time?


As St. Patrick's Day comes and goes, we celebrate the simple blessing of being and living and appreciating the health and togetherness that we experience every day. While life is never perfect, it is essential to recognize the positive and make the decisions in life that are best for your family. While we can't always get what we want, we try sometimes, and we get what we need. Hmmmm, where have I heard that before?


Saturday, March 3, 2012

March awakenings

While the weather cannot make up its mind between snow, rain, or sun... It is finally March, which is an important mental page that turns in my mind. It is no longer winter, but the beginning of spring.

With a new month comes new adventures! Violet is now 4 months old! She coos and is on the verge of rolling over when on her mat. She watches her big sister with great interest and enjoys tickles and observing the cat and dog.

Audrey is a bundle of energy and learning. Her interest in animals, books, and crafts seems endless. It is quite the thing to have complete conversations with her about thoughts and feelings and whatever is happening at the moment.

Spring break and a Hawaiian wedding are in my future, and just beyond that: summer. It is an exciting proposition to ponder the future, but I am in no rush, as the present moment here on a sleepy Saturday morning watching cartoons with my girls is more than I could ask for...except maybe another cup of coffee!

Pictures: lunch with Uncle Stuart, my mom visits, and Violet 4 months old!