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Saturday, March 3, 2012

March awakenings

While the weather cannot make up its mind between snow, rain, or sun... It is finally March, which is an important mental page that turns in my mind. It is no longer winter, but the beginning of spring.

With a new month comes new adventures! Violet is now 4 months old! She coos and is on the verge of rolling over when on her mat. She watches her big sister with great interest and enjoys tickles and observing the cat and dog.

Audrey is a bundle of energy and learning. Her interest in animals, books, and crafts seems endless. It is quite the thing to have complete conversations with her about thoughts and feelings and whatever is happening at the moment.

Spring break and a Hawaiian wedding are in my future, and just beyond that: summer. It is an exciting proposition to ponder the future, but I am in no rush, as the present moment here on a sleepy Saturday morning watching cartoons with my girls is more than I could ask for...except maybe another cup of coffee!

Pictures: lunch with Uncle Stuart, my mom visits, and Violet 4 months old!

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