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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer's Doorstep

The past few weeks have been peaceful and the transition into summer has begun.  There are more and more moments that I recognize as important or special and feel the need to capture and preserve in my mind and sometimes on this blog.  Our little family is growing so quickly.  I sit here on a Sunday morning, enjoying some quiet time with Audrey, while Violet and Kim snooze upstairs.  While household cleaning is on the agenda today, it is nice to sit and pick pictures from the last couple weeks to install here.  With only a week and a half of school remaining, Summer Break is all too near, and it is refreshing to think about days with no schedule or agenda.  Time without structure can sometimes be very wonderful, as it allows people to simply act on their feelings at that moment.  Too often our schedules dictate our feelings and we don't have time to address our actual needs and wants.  Summer Break, for me, is a time to not only spend with family and friends, but to also dig deep and examine who I am and what I really care about in this life.  

Violet at the park, on her first swing!  

Sitting in the grass, enjoying the weather!

Munching on Sophie, her chew toy giraffe.

Audrey enjoying the swings at the park.  

Dirty chalk hands while running the bases.

Phoebe surveying the action after a run.

Audrey playing with the dirt on the baseball field.  

Violet on Mother's Day.

The girls with Great Grandmother Flesher!  

Our family.  Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful wife, Kim.

Daddy/Daughter Toss!  


This summer promises to bring many wonderful experiences and adventures.  From family visitations to road trips to many outings to the museums and parks and zoo, we will enrich our lives and enjoy each other's company.  It is important to strive each day to accumulate these experiences and add depth to our perspectives in life and learn to communicate about them effectively.  By adding to the total our ourselves and sharing, we also help to fill those around us with the events and interactions that are most important to us.  We are not defined by any single minute, but rather the sum of all our moments.  


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