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Saturday, May 5, 2012

What will you do with it?

A day at the zoo with our beautiful family. While the sun is blocked by the layers of stratus clouds, Audrey and Violet remain radiant nonetheless. Audrey noticed and commented on the trees growing their leaves back, and I am cheered by thoughts of long summer days with my daughters in a few short weeks!

My marathon training has begun in earnest again, and I am working on stamina and added strength training. Soon my diet becomes adjusted as well to fuel my body rather than satisfy its cravings. This training makes me feel like a machine, and forces me to think like one in many ways, too. From proper equipment and constant maintenance to scheduled performance and technical data, the marathon will be all consuming in terms of free time and personal focus.

If not in training, my days will be a compilation of play, snacks, exploration, reading, learning, laughing, and hopefully a couple naps. It is a privilege to have this time available to rest and reflect and dedicate to other areas of my life. While I love the profession of teaching and education, I understand the necessity of having time to mentally and physically prepare for a new season of students and learning opportunities.

That's the word that has been on my mind as of late: opportunity. The work and education in my life have afforded me these opportunities, and continue to open doors and potential paths in life. I hear a lot of friends and people in general speak about missed or blundered opportunities, and I read about people who leave this world before their time yet they will be remembered because they made the absolute most of the possibilities offered to them. Witnessing all of this sharpens my own ambition to carefully examine and evaluate the things in my life and ensure that potential positive opportunities to strengthen and better myself and my family are seized. What's in my head is the thought that each day is unique and finite, and it is up to each of us to decide how to utilize the time that is given to us and act upon those decisions. The question I ask myself each morning when I wake up now is: what will you do with it?

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