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Monday, February 18, 2013

A Day Off


Violet is asleep for her mid-morning nap.  I am enjoying a quiet couple hours with a host of small chores on this peaceful President's Day.  Depositing checks, cleaning, grading papers, some lesson planing....all small, simple things.  These are the things I enjoy doing when I have the time, yet seem nearly overwhelming when crowded with too many at once.

Dixie, Penelope, and Violet

A warmth, though barely detectable, has crept into the air and the sun has found its way into our skies the past several days, making moods rise and energy soar.  Having lived in Alaska, and now the Midwest, I understand winter and darkness, and my appreciation for longer stretches of light each day continue to grow as I get older.

Audrey upside-down!

My knee is nearly healed (hopefully), and I have begun training again for my half marathon next month.  With clear skies, more exercise, and a house full of crazy girls, spring finally feels like it's on the way!  Soon we will resume our daily long walks with the dog and more time at the park and zoo!

The family on the couch.

Daddy and Audrey waiting for ice cream.

Audrey giving Violet some ice cream

Nose kiss!!!

Audrey with cake and ice cream.  This is serious business.

Snow baby Violet


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