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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Marching Forward

Violet and hat

As the calendar turns a new page, our little family is starting to look forward to the spring weather.  Although there have been some recent setbacks with several inches of snow and ice falling, the prospects of blue skies and rising temperatures has managed to lift spirits and get us excited about being outside and moving again.

Audrey waking up

This weekend we are in South Bend with some quality grandma time, and also getting a chance to see our newest niece, Penny.  It is comfortable here, with big couches and lots of laughter to fill the days.  It has been snowing and cold, so I haven't gotten out to do my long run yet, or is it the bowl of chocolate chip cookies that anchors me firmly inside?

Violet waking up

Audrey and I are officially booked for Alaska this summer.  We will travel to Anchorage, where I will run in the Mayor's Marathon.  Then we will fly to Juneau and ferry to Haines to spend a few days with my mom before returning to Juneau and enjoying some time in my hometown.  All this before returning to Chicago via Seattle.  This will be a fantastic adventure and reminds me of times when my dad took me on trips at this age.

The hair

Audrey and cousin Penelope

 Violet is busy as ever with seemingly endless energy and enthusiasm for getting into drawers and boxes.  Her smile and laugh is contagious and her big brown eyes melt me every time.  I am definitely in for a spin as these two girls get older.  For now, though, we enjoy living in the moment.  The snow flurries have ceased for the moment, and the blue skies are making a brief appearance.  More to come as Alaska approaches, the marathon nears, and our little family finds itself more out in the open as the weather warms.

Cousins:  Audrey, Penelope, and Violet

Taking a bath

Sisters:  Audrey and Violet

Penelope and Violet

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