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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snow falling

So apparently I jinxed my last post by mentioning sunny days and spring so much. Today school has been canceled and I am sitting in my living room watching layer upon layer of the white stuff fall outside. Violet is down for a llong nap and Audrey is playing happily on the floor while watching Scooby Doo. The house is clean, the dog has been walked, my papers have been graded. It is nice to just sit and be and let it all happen. Last night I managed to get a 10 mile run in before flurries hit. I haven't run that distance since the marathon. It was a feeling of thankfulness that pulsed through me with each stride, happy my knee is strong enough to carry the load again. The marathon in June will be a massive effort, but continued miles and strengthening will hopefully ensure a strong run. There is something serene about running at night, letting the stresses of the day fall to the wayside. No one else around and only the passing cars to remind me that I am not alone out in the cold. Each mile makes me feel stronger, yet I also count down the distance until I can return home to my family. These are the things I think about today as the snow falls. Perhaps a nap...

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