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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Slow My Roll

Time is moving more and more quickly. The spring is trying to break through, while winter remains stubborn and continues to pelt us with flurries and the occasional inch or two of actual snow. However, people are eternally optimistic and the first signs of clothing other than winter coats and boots are starting to show as we gain daylight.

The girls are in constant motion, and I find myself thanking Google on an almost daily basis for activity ideas and easy recipes. Like the weather, I remain optimistic that both will accept vegetables as part of their nightly meal. Perhaps this summer I will invent chocolate milk infused with kale and spinach?!?

Audrey is beginning to read a little and write her name a lot. I now understand how difficult it is to help a child comprehend her fluency. She is developing a love for all things horses and princesses, as many four year old girls do, but she maintains a healthy fascination with zombies, bugs, and boogers. We love watching movies together, and also talking about what words mean and how to watch the world around us.

Violet is interested in anything that can open and close. Yesterday she put her entire pile of folded laundry into the sock drawer. At first I was miffed, but then I was happy that she at least put things away rather than took them out. She loves taking little things from her big sister that she knows will drive her absolutely bonkers. Needless to say, Violet is the spicy to Audrey's sweet.

Kim is doing well in her work, having received an excellent review from her superiors. It is nice to see her recognized for her hard work and dedication to her company. It was this job that originally brought us out to Plainfield in the first place. Kim's photography and PhotoShop editing continues to impress all eyes it passes before.

The end of the school year is in sight, and this spring break will be the last reprieve before the last, long two months of academics. If all goes well, I will earn tenure, which is a minor accomplishment, but one that I will take pride in. The summer will pose much work in terms of. We academic standards being adopted in public schools a cross the nation. Besides being a father and husband, marathon training is now the thing that consumes my time. I am excited to run a marathon in my home state with friends this summer. It is motivation for when I am tired knowing there are good friends training in Alaskan winter conditions for the same marathon.

The little pictures in front of us enthrall me. Every step and burst of laughter from my children are individual miracles. There are some challenges, as in every life, but I decided a long time ago to focus on the amazing. I know the little pictures will come together to form a big picture, but I, myself, am too close to make it out just yet.

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