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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Around the Bend

October has been a fast month.  Our little family has been moving at a rapid pace, getting-in the travel and outdoors that we will soon not be able to enjoy once the winter weather truly takes hold of the land.  Snow flurries have visited our afternoons a few times, reminding us that we are not immune to the changing of the seasons.

Last week, Kim and I left the girls with Granny in South Bend and headed up to Grand Rapids, Michigan.  This year, I skipped the Chicago Marathon and opted to run a smaller venue in Michigan.  The city of Grand Rapids is beautiful, and reminds me a lot of my hometown of Juneau.  There is a lot of activity, with people biking and running and just moving outside.  The city seems built for movement, which was great considering I needed to run a marathon.  The actual marathon was great, although I did not come close to a PR time.  The course was stunning, and the spirit of the event was very positive and it is always uplifting to see people participating in an event where they are reaching their goals and hard work is paying-off.

Now the leaves are in constant free-fall and our breath shows itself during the day, too.  Pumpkins are on the doorsteps of many houses, and traces of ghosts and goblins are in the windows throughout the neighborhood.

The girls are taking the fall season in stride.  They do not like the extra layers of clothes and jackets, but a chilly trip to the park is never out of the question.  Now we set our sights on Thanksgiving and the winter holidays after that.  As the winter approaches, thoughts of friends and family keep us warm.

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