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Sunday, November 3, 2013

November Thoughts

We have been busy these past few weeks.  This was my first time at home over the weekend in about a month!  Kim was in Bloomington for the Indiana University homecoming with her college core of friends.  It is important to spend time with your friends, as I got the chance to do so this summer, and it is great that Kim also has a close group of people she keeps up with.  

With that being said, it was Daddy and Daughters weekend!  We hit the Brookfield Zoo on Saturday, and then went to McCormick Place today for a dairy processing convention, where we had lots of cheese and ice cream and a chance to catch-up with the wonderful Uncle Stuart!

As November spread its frosty fingers over our windshields, Violet turned two years old!  It is a parental cliche to think about where the time has gone, but I guess they are cliche for a good reason.  Violet has been a wonder in our lives, bringing zest and intensity all wrapped in a bundle of laughter and smiles!  Happy birthday to my little warrior!  

Today was spent cleaning house, which feels great once it is all done.  There is something about a clean floor, clearing clutter, and an empty dryer that bring immense satisfaction to my day.  Cleaning allows me to figure-out what we need, what we don't need, and to also let my brain sort-out whatever thoughts are stirring.  

Below are some of the things we have been up to lately, trying learn, love, laugh, and grow together as our little family unit!    
Daddy shows-off his medal after finishing the Grand Rapids Marathon in Michigan.  It was a great run, very beautiful and well-organized.  It was no Chicago Marathon, but still very glad I tried this one this year. One to consider returning to if my legs let me!  

A close-up of the finisher's medal.  It was the tenth year (obviously) of this particular marathon.  There is also a half-marathon, and I highly recommend it to anyone who would like to run either distance!  

Audrey in the fall leaves.  She helped rake the leaves in grandma's back yard, and then proceeded to leap into them!  

Halloween 2013:  Audrey is a fairy princess and Violet is a lion.  The rain kept us in for most of the day, but the sun broke through for about 30 minutes, so we jumped in the wagon and managed to get to a few houses for trick-or-treating.  Violet still isn't sure about the whole process, but she really enjoyed the apple on lady gave her, and I am sure a few pieces of her sister's candy stash will find their way into her clutches!

Lighting the candles on Friday night.  The girls helped make this fresh challah loaf and we lit the candles on Violet's 2nd birthday.  It was a nice way to celebrate the end of the week, a birthday, and just being together as a family. ...and the bread was amazing!   

Brookfield Zoo:  This pumpkin was nearly 1,800 pounds!  It was a bit chilly on Saturday morning, so the girls practically OWNED the zoo.  We saw all of the major animals and no one was around.  It was like getting a private tour!  It was our favorite day at the zoo ever!  Audrey even told me she knew that she wants to be a zoo keeper at Brookfield when she gets older.  

Audrey and Violet at the dolphin measure wall.  The dolphins were very active, and we spend about a half hour just watching them swim past our viewing window.  

Again, notice no one around!  We were all by ourselves at the pinniped viewing area.  Here are the girls with the massive walrus sculpture.  

We spent all summer collecting the wax Mold-a-Rama animals.  Last month the zoo released three special Halloween limited-edition molds:  The Devil, Frankenstein, and a skull!  Here are the girls getting the last two molds at the end of our day.  Audrey is doing the "Mold-a-Rama Dance", while Violet anticipates holding the warm Frankenstein mold as it is pressed-out.  

The collection is complete!  A successful day at the zoo!
We had a great day today at McCormick Place with Uncle Stuart.  It is always a treat seeing him, and he makes the girls so happy!  We enjoyed just hanging out by the water fountain and running around in a quiet area of the convention center.  

Audrey is fascinated by the "jumping" water display in the convention center main floor area.  

The girls and Uncle Stuart take a break from running around and enjoy some goldfish crackers and milk.  

Violet taking a mini-break before resuming "chase Uncle Stuart".

The Stu Crew.  Off for an adventure.  

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