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Monday, November 11, 2013


The Orelove Family by Kim

Today is a holiday, and I lay in bed drifting in and out of sleep, trying to convince my jittery mind to take a rest.  The girls are having a nap as the weather outside contemplates snowing the first real snow of the season.  While my hopes hold out for a few more days of seeing the sidewalk, I know that sooner than later our world will be filled with the white stuff.

Violet rocking the three-wheeler in the driveway.

The past few days have been filled with the daily grind:  work, cleaning, laughing, movies, etc.  It is simple and happy most of the time, although there are moments of sisterly arguments and disputes over particular toys...but those pass quickly once a parent becomes involved.

Violet and rainbow umbrella on a chilly November morning.

We now have our sights set firmly on Thanksgiving and getting to see family in Virginia.  The tradition of driving East continues for yet another year.  This time, Hanukkah will overlap the turkey holiday, which does not happen all that often, so another layer of uniqueness is placed upon our time in Richmond.

Fresh cinnamon, raisin, walnut bread.  Yum.  
Audrey and Violet helping to make apple cake!
As I get a little older, I become slightly more aware of the world around us, and even though I try not watch the news, I cannot help it sometimes.  These are the times where I become a bit paranoid and worry for our future, which I am certain every parent does at times.  However, every time I leave my house and take a look around, I see good things happening and people who appear to have a little common sense and humanity.  Either way,  thinking about what it means to be human and being thankful for all that we have in our lives makes the entire holiday shopping and consumerism model seem unimportant and trivial.

Violet, 2 years old
So let it snow outside.  Let it build up to the windows.  I have a roof over my head, and a blanket to keep me warm.  When I wake, my daughters and I will have a snack and listen to music as we paint pictures in the living room.  

Violet getting her iron levels checked at her 2-year appointment.

Audrey and Violet at Family Reading Night at daddy's school.

Audrey in the dive.  

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