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Friday, December 27, 2013


It is a cold afternoon in Indiana as I take a walk around the neighborhood before the sun sets.  Getting outside or active at all has been a challenge since my last marathon in October.  There is something about reaching a goal that is highly motivating and yet very deflating once it has been accomplished.  There is a sense of "what now?" as I search for the next goal.

As 2013 sets into our past and a new 2014 begins to rise in a few days, it is a cliche time to think about setting new goals and trying to answer the "what now?" with "Now this!".  There are not too many goals on my horizon at the moment, which makes this the time to set some new ones.  I would like to continue to grow as an educator, seeking out new experiences and learning opportunities to help me be a better teacher and just a person who has more tools to help children learn and develop.  Whether this is through workshops, volunteering, or continued education, I would like to keep working at my professional life.

Adventures are an important part of life.  Moving forward, I want to experience more with my family, have more laughs, and go experience new things.  Whether this is a new food or a trip to a new place.  I know Disney World seems destined in our future, but there are other things I would like to experience as I grow older.  Interacting with different people, seeing new animals, and trying different perspectives on for size are things that make being a human amazing.

Reflecting back on this past year, we have been very lucky to have our health, and a wonderful support structure consisting of family and friends.  I have been fortunate to continue working in a job I love and to have a terrific wife who supports my goals and has always been there for me.  I thank my lucky stars for my family all over the country:  Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Virginia,  Washington, DC, Indiana, Illinois.  My daughters are my everything, and seeing them grow up is now what I consider to be my life-work.

 I am happy to continue running and look forward to some more long distance running when the snow leaves and I can focus on training outside.  I feel fortunate to have my health to be able to do such activities, and hope to maintain it moving forward in life.  Perhaps some other things besides running may work their way onto my list of goals in the upcoming year?

So I leave my list open as the sun finally sets tonight.  Tomorrow the sun will rise and a new day will begin, leaving open the possibilities that are limited only to my desire and ambition.


Phone Photos:
Audrey and Violet open Uncle Michael's annual Winter Solstice gift:  Michael is on the Level...or is he?  They spent the next hour leveling objects throughout the house. 

Audrey and Violet playing with beans and seeds!  This is inspired from the bucket of popcorn seeds at Aunt Irene's house in Virginia!  

The family enjoys a spin on the carousel at Brookfield Zoo during Zoo Lights.  It is quite a different atmosphere at night with all the lights.  Yes, we added the special edition Mold-O-Ramas to our collection!   

Violet getting to open a gift on Christmas Eve.

Audrey opening her Barbie Camper.  This was the only picture that captured her face without blur.  She was excited to say the least.

Violet held onto this picture of Grandpa Ted and Lisa all Christmas Morning.  She was opening presents with one hand for a while.  

Violet and Granny having a moment in the kitchen on Christmas.

Violet at Christmas in Indiana.  Her happiness is endless.

Cousins:  Audrey and Penelope.

Violet and her "Special Things" pile that she didn't want to share with anyone.  Very Grinch-ish after such a lovely Christmas.

Granny with Penelope and Violet.  Content.

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