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Sunday, January 19, 2014

A friend

Sue is a friend.  We have never met, but she reads this blog and we have written numerous letters to each other.  She is kind, funny, intelligent, and makes the people around her better.  I just learned of her passing yesterday, and am deeply saddened.  It was unexpected, and I want to use this medium in which we met to express our most sincere condolences to her family and community.

While we are always moving forward, looking to the next step, there are times when we have to pause and recognize the happiness and positive power around us in the moment.  Lives change so quickly, for better and for worse.  There are things we can control in life, and one of them is how often we tell those who are most important to us how much we love them.  Life is a scary proposition, always evolving and never asking for our permission.  This world is indifferent as to whether we are here or not.  What makes us human and unique is that WE care about being here.

So please take a moment to at least think about your life and what it means and what you want it to be.  Take the time to let others know what your feelings are, and how much you appreciate them.  To me, it is not that life is too short, it's that we are too closed-off most of the time to truly let what is important inside of us out into the world to make a difference.  Sue was someone who let her beauty out unfiltered.


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