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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Tinkering

The morning is going well.  Audrey is watching Scooby Doo and Violet is coloring and playing in the home living play kitchen.  Today promises to be a typical Sunday, with coffee, cartoons, and CostCo.  Laundry is ever present upstairs, so some pairing of socks and folding of tshirts also appears inevitable.  The breadmaker has some raisin-walnut challah baking, and the coffee maker is finishing its production of steaming hot coffee.  These are all of the things that indicate it is Sunday in my home.

It was special to have my mother visit and spend some time with her grandchildren.  It is still a strange and amazing thing to see my own children and my parents in the same room.  Watching generations interact really brings home the importance of family and making time for the little things in life.

I often think about the future and enjoy making guesses as to what it will be like.  Sometimes I think about the girls being in school or what things they will find enjoyment in.  I think that creating environments that allow them to explore their worlds will always be my challenge as a parent.

  As everyone gets moving on this lazy Sunday, we look forward to the day and its possibilities.  We will enjoy the little things, as they often end up being the most important.

The fresh bread is done and cooling on the rack.  The laundry is folded and awaits final placement in drawrers amd closets throughout the house.  Fresh bedding and new pillow cases make our bed a luxurious landing for an afternoon snooze.  Visions of a pasta dinner play on the outskirts of my mind, but lazing on the bed with no particular place to go prevents me from any further productivity at the momemt.

The cold bites at us from the other side of the window, but we armor ourselves with blankets and snuggles.  Perhaps a family movie tonight?  The setting sun warns us all of the inevitable rush of Monday morning, but we pay no heed, choosing rather to live in the moment and savor this day that is ours.


Violet in her blue artist phase.

My mom and the girls during this special visit.

Big slide on a Saturday.

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Audrey and Violet show-off their matching doll pajamas.

There is more sun in the sky each day, and it is helping with the constant barrage of snow and ice and freezing temperatures we continue to face.  Next week promises a string of days with temperatures above freezing, which is the first I can remember in quite a while.

Here are the girls playing with snow in the kitchen, as it was too cold to go outside and play.  At the time of this picture, they were also listening to the  Frozen soundtrack.  Brrrrr.

My mother is visiting from Alaska.  She is making a journey from visiting her brother in Central America and then taking some time to see my sister in Washington, DC.  She took the train from DC to us, so I am happy to let her have the chance to sit and rest and see her grandchildren.  We haven't seen her since this summer when Audrey and I were in Haines.

Audrey and Violet still demand a ride on Sandy, the mechanical horse, every time we are at the grocery store.  Rid 'em cowgirls!  

The last week or so has been filled with watching the Winter Olympics and trying to muster enthusiasm for the events.  I have little tolerance for commercials, so the way these games are edited and presented for public consumption have been frustrating, to say the least.  I truly believe that watching mainly events where the United States is in contention for a medal is beyond egocentric and really does not present an accurate or fair portrayal of the Olympics.  I am all for cheering one's own country, but I also like to see the best in the world perform and compete, no matter what their nationality.  Oh well, I am sure McDonalds and all of the other sponsors will take it into consideration after another four years.

Making cookies at Granny's in South Bend.

The girls are enjoying spending time with their grandmother.  It reminds me that we live far away from my side of the family, spread across the country.  There are both positives and negatives about this.  Of course it is difficult to not be able to visit whenever we like or have family over.  The holidays are also difficult, as there is a feeling that there are only so many pictures of our daughters we can send.  It is nice, though, because seeing family makes us appreciate how special it truly is to be in the same room together, even if it is only for a brief time.  As time moves forward, I realize more and more the importance of being able to reach out and take the opportunities to spend time together, or to find the time to visit or communicate.

Audrey and Violet watch a movie with Attle on her first day of visiting.  

Either way, I find myself here, on a Sunday morning, surrounded by family.  I am happy...content.    The coffee is brewing and the day that lays ahead of us is endless in possibilities.  It is ours for the taking, and whatever we decide to do is just fine by me.  The thing about it is that we are together, now, making the most of the opportunities that surround us...maybe some McDonalds later when we watch the Olympics and cheer for the USA.  :-)


Audrey sporting her fake teeth Attle brought as a gift.  I'm glad to have a dental plan through work!  

The girls on Valentine's Day with some little gifts.  

A Violet among the Roses on Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 7, 2014

February Freezing

Audrey reading.  Violet calling Granny on her phone.
We are in February.  The snow is high, plowed into mountains around our block.  This is a time of year that I find myself and my family sort of..."stuck".  Not in a bad way, mind you.  We are just in this wintry time of year where outside is not an option and the great indoors fees somewhat limited at times.  I do love a good movie, and baking is always its own sweet reward.

Violet rocking the Portillo's Hat during the Super Bowl!  Thank you Grandpa Ted and Lisa for the great food!

The girls have been enjoying playing with legos, dolls, and magnets.  Countless art projects cover the walls and refrigerator.  We roll on tricycles and toy cars as we push foam blocks and pillows out of the way.  Soft caves created with blankets and couch cushions are a place of solitude or a hideaway from Daddy Troll.

Audrey thought the Portillo's hat was military issue.

The sun is shining now, but the cold remains.  Sometimes I need to be thankful for the light, even though it does not always equate with warmth.  At times of such bitter cold, it is easy to complain and think of warmer climates.  Jimmy Buffet makes the occasional rounds on the CD player and we all take a trip to Margaritaville and dance as if on a beach somewhere next to a blue ocean.

The girls playing with snow, at 0 degree weather outside, while listening to the Frozen movie soundtrack.  Brrrrrrr.

I know that the days of sun and sweat will come eventually, and then I may wish for cooler temperatures.  So while the chill bites at my face, I smile despite it all, happy to still feel the cold sun on my skin and know that I get to come home every day to my own little slice of paradise amidst this expansive land of ice and snow.