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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Tinkering

The morning is going well.  Audrey is watching Scooby Doo and Violet is coloring and playing in the home living play kitchen.  Today promises to be a typical Sunday, with coffee, cartoons, and CostCo.  Laundry is ever present upstairs, so some pairing of socks and folding of tshirts also appears inevitable.  The breadmaker has some raisin-walnut challah baking, and the coffee maker is finishing its production of steaming hot coffee.  These are all of the things that indicate it is Sunday in my home.

It was special to have my mother visit and spend some time with her grandchildren.  It is still a strange and amazing thing to see my own children and my parents in the same room.  Watching generations interact really brings home the importance of family and making time for the little things in life.

I often think about the future and enjoy making guesses as to what it will be like.  Sometimes I think about the girls being in school or what things they will find enjoyment in.  I think that creating environments that allow them to explore their worlds will always be my challenge as a parent.

  As everyone gets moving on this lazy Sunday, we look forward to the day and its possibilities.  We will enjoy the little things, as they often end up being the most important.

The fresh bread is done and cooling on the rack.  The laundry is folded and awaits final placement in drawrers amd closets throughout the house.  Fresh bedding and new pillow cases make our bed a luxurious landing for an afternoon snooze.  Visions of a pasta dinner play on the outskirts of my mind, but lazing on the bed with no particular place to go prevents me from any further productivity at the momemt.

The cold bites at us from the other side of the window, but we armor ourselves with blankets and snuggles.  Perhaps a family movie tonight?  The setting sun warns us all of the inevitable rush of Monday morning, but we pay no heed, choosing rather to live in the moment and savor this day that is ours.


Violet in her blue artist phase.

My mom and the girls during this special visit.

Big slide on a Saturday.

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