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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Morning Thoughts

Violet at her Valentine Party at school.

It is Sunday morning.  There is a light frost on the cars outside, trying to intimidate me out of going on my first run of the season outside.  The sun has risen, and the girls are covered in blankets on the couch next to me, enjoying some morning cartoons.  I remember being a child on the weekends, enjoying my morning cartoons, too.  While technology has evolved and created shows on demand, some traditions must be observed!

As we transition from winter to spring, I am once again thankful for having survived another cold season here in the Midwest.  Winters, while not my favorite, are beautiful but make it difficult to remain active and get our "ya-ya's" out.  We have been truly savoring our outside time this past week, despite the marsh-like grassy areas and parks that are now seeing the light of day from under their dense layers of snow.

Audrey making a book selection at the book store!

With warmer weather and brighter days, we are starting to make plans for travel, visitations and more moving around!  A visit from family is in our future!  We are also looking forward to more trips into the city, despite our last attempts during the ultra busy auto show.  Getting to visit the lake shore, Lincoln Park Zoo, and maybe even some skyscrapers this summer are all high on our priority list.

Violet + Cake = yumm!!!

Something else that is happening is the potential purchase of a new home!  We have been growing our family for almost seven years now, and we are truly ready for some more space and a potential back yard!  We like the area we live in, and there are some good houses on the market.  So, in anticipation of moving, we have ordered many packing boxes, tape, and packing paper and bubblewrap!  Kim has nearly completed packing the kitchen, and I have gotten a few boxes packed in the bedrooms!  There is no timetable for this, but the sooner the better in terms of packing and de-cluttering.  One thing is for sure, we have a lot of stuff!  We are excited about moving and getting-rid of a lot of things that we have outgrown or simply don't use anymore.  Top house wish list items include a guest room for visitors, a basement, and a backyard!  There have been a few tornado warnings over the years, and I can tell you, it is NOT a good feeling to hope the closet is a safe place for the entire family during a storm.

Our packing boxes arrive!  Time to get things in boxes!

Growing as a family is a strange thing, but very wonderful.  We are now four people, all with different opinions, wants, and needs.  As many know, children are very challenging.  I do think they are the greatest piece of my life, but there are some very trying days.  Gone are the times of being responsible for only myself.  Most days are filled with learning, art, laughter, and running around.  There are some times, though, that consist of fights, arguing, and some tears.  In the end, these are all the things that make us a family.  It is always  good thing to wake-up and have these little girls ready for another day of adventure.

Violet happy to be at our park for the first time this spring!

Violet in the sun!

So now we are all awake.  Sunday morning is warming-up, and the cartoons are nearly over.  Breakfast is in our immediate future, and then some outside time seems to be inevitable.  While an old version of me would be sleeping until noon, the new father version is awake, working on coffee cup #2, and getting ready for a day of learning with his kiddos.  Bring-on Sunday!


Violet tummy swinging!

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