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Sunday, March 29, 2015


Daddy, Audrey, and Violet with Chuck E. Cheese.
Our little family spent a nice weekend in South Bend visiting family.  The snow has melted away, and the pavement gets its first glimpses of spring.  While the bitter wind still nips at our faces from time-to-time, the additional sunlight and increasing temperatures convince us to get outside every day now.  The girls are so happy to be running around and getting their ya-ya's out, and they are not the only ones!  Walking the dog at night on longer and longer routes is great, and getting to run and train outside is so much better than a treadmill!

Every father's dream:  Two daughters driving!  

With spring comes a sense of renewed optimism.  As each winter comes and goes, I find myself taking more and more time to appreciate the changing of the season.  I like taking stock in all of the positives in my life:  family, friends, health, etc.  We are looking forward to another summer full of trips to zoos, museums, and walks all over.  I am also savoring the anticipation of reading many books with my daughters, exercising on a much more regular basis, and enjoying a generally healthier life style.

Audrey riding a horse.  Easily her favorite game of the day!  

Audrey racking-up the prize tickets!

The morning offers limitless possibilities.  There is something exciting and relaxing at the same time about not making plans for a day, and allowing events to just happen. Today mostly involves more packing, running, and that's about it.  Our little house is getting packed-up, and it is the first time in a long time that the dining room does not consist mostly of Legos and small plastic figurines.  While we still have a while to go in terms of putting our house on the market, there is something about the cleaning process that is very cathartic.  Making choices about what is truly important as we move forward with our lives, and what is not.  What clothes we really use, and what can be donated.  Looking at the things we need to define ourselves vs what we no longer identify with.  It is also nice to declutter every room, and find enjoyment in the simplification of our personal possessions.  

The girls watching our minivan going through the wash.  They love this!

Oooooooh, shiny vehicle.  This is a rare event, so I thought it important to document!

The sense of renewal that spring brings, combined with our feelings of starting a new segment in life as a family is very powerful.  The days of spring bring a clean slate of sorts, where we are free to design a framework for living that best suits us.  While we sit together imagining a strong future, we also enjoy the present and all that it has to offer.  Making the most of the things we have today is what allows us to envision a successful future.  

A moving unit in our driveway (children for scale).

Audrey rocking-out inside the moving unit.  Soon it will be full!

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