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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Calm before the Unknown

Calm before the storm is a great cliche.  We use it all the time in my house, especially when the girls are asleep in the morning and we have a few very previous quiet moments before they wake up and the silence is broken.

This morning, I woke up just before the kiddos.  The birds are beginning their morning songs, and the fresh air pours into our home when I crack the windows.  Yesterday was hot and sunny, but this morning brings gray skies and a cool breeze.

Now we find ourselves enjoying the calm before....well, we don't quite know yet.  Our house has been on the market for a few weeks now, and will hopefully sell soon.  The rain is falling outside, but shows promise of letting-up soon.  Maybe a quick run is in my near future?

The agenda for this soggy Sunday remains fairly open, although some solid points remain to be addressed.  Being lazy these past couple days is something I am savoring.  With school now over, it is time to reset my sights on my new position as an assistant principal.  My contract states July first as the start date, but I am already getting started by attending workshops and such this week.  I am excited to begin this new chapter, and want to get as much information as possible leading up to the start of the new school year.

It was strange and sad to close my room down at my old school on Friday.  To stand in the center of my room, completely cleaned-out and ready for the next teacher, was overwhelming and brought a rush of emotions.  I took the time to scan the entire room and think about all of the moments and smiles and laughter that has filled every cubic inch of the place.  Closing the door and not having a key to return back was something that hit me hard.  I will always have a special place in my heart for Hadley.

Walking out, getting lots of hugs and encouraging words, everyone has been so supportive.  I took one last look around the parking lot, and hit the road, leaving my old home behind.  Now I am ready to begin the next chapter, and I am also looking forward to a little down time with my family in between training sessions and workshops.  It is an exciting time in my life, and I am fortunate to have the past and the present and the future aligned at the moment, giving me a clear view of where I am in life.

More to come, but for now...I am enjoying the calm before whatever is next in life.


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