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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Short Summer

Audrey and Violet on the lion at Brookfied Zoo
The days are moving quickly and time seems to be fleeting.  I am savoring each day with my kids and we are packing-in a bunch of activities and events that would normally be distributed throughout an entire summer.  We have all been taking advantage of sleeping-in a bit (8am) and then taking our time with breakfast and some lazy morning reading and playing in the living room.  Then we decide what to do with our day once Kim leaves for work.  Two days ago we spent the day at the Brookfield Zoo, visiting our favorite animals and attempting (unsuccessfully) to avoid intermittent thunder storms and rain showers.  It is nice that the girls have a place that they love and are really starting to know their way around!  They truly enjoy seeing the animals and discussing their similarities and differences.  Audrey, in particular, is really finding the world of animals fascinating.  So, while a short summer is in order this year, we are not skimping on the fun and activities.  We have a Cougars baseball game on Friday night, and everyone is excited for that!

Quick selfie at the dolphin show at Brookfield Zoo.  Violet is goofy.

We also try to remain active during this short summer.  If the weather is cooperating, we spend a lot of the day outside in our driveway biking, scootering, and running around playing with neighbors and chasing the dog.  Biking around the block a few times has also become  staple in our days.  The girls are getting stronger and can now complete a few laps without being sopped by slight inclines and breaks in the pavement.  They are also safety captains, and I am reminded constantly to wear my helmet and look and listen before crossing the street!

Daddy, Mommy, and Violet

Speaking of biking, I got to participate in an event in South Bend last weekend called "Bike the Bend".  It is a non-competitive event where a route of about 31 miles is set-up along the St. Joseph river and several aid stations and a breakfast destination is offered to bikers.  I biked 25 miles with my brother-in-law, Mark.  We strapped a wireless speaker to my bike and played classic rock the entire time.  It was a lot of fun just rocking-out, putting-down the miles, and having a pancake breakfast in the middle of the whole thing.  This event makes me want to bike more at home, which I intend to do as I attempt to build an exercise schedule.

Biking Selfie:  This is my brother-in-law, Mark, taking a selfie of us biking the Bend.  Part of the route took us through the minor-league baseball team stadium!  

My position as assistant principal starts in a couple weeks, but I am taking online training and will attend a few workshops between now and then.  It is exciting, and overwhelming at the same time to think that I will be in a completely new environment with all new names and items to learn and master.  I am very excited and looking forward to it, but I recognize that taking advantage of my current "down time" is also critical to this process.

Today is a rainy, overcast day.  A movie and a trip to the grocery store are in our future, as well as some reading and play time.  Possibly a drizzly bike ride around the block.  We are waiting for the window repair people to show-up and fix our foggy windows, thus making our house more appealing to potential buyers.  We have had a few showings in the last week, and we are hopeful that an offer will be made soon, thus allowing us to move forward in purchasing a new home and moving!  One thing at a time, I know, but it is exciting to think about the possibilities!  To have some extra storage, a basement, and at least one extra room for guests would really make life great, not that it's bad or anything now!  I am not complaining.

We take the time that is given to us, and we spend it as we see best.  Hopefully we are content with how we use our minutes each day and inspired to do even better the next time the sun rises.


Dad and his girls.  Life is good.

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