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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Winter Break

Violet with a snowflake ornament gift.  

There is a wonderful time of year for both students and those that work in education:  Winter Break.  This is a great time of year because it allows us to all step-back and enjoy some time to ourselves and our interests outside of learning and studying.  The last few days at work have been intense, and everyone was feeling the pressure of the holidays fast approaching.  The last week has been one of gift purchasing, letter mailing, and holiday music blasting.

Audrey with a gingerbread house.

Tonight, the girls are running around playing, the fire is warming me, a football game plays in the background, and a pizza bakes in the oven.  Yesterday was not as cozy, as Audrey battled a stomach flu of some kind for 24 hours.  All is well now, though, as we embrace Sunday night and look forward to a full week of break.  A trip to the zoo, a viewing of Star Wars, gift wrapping, house cleaning, and naps await us.

Me and my little Buddy on the last day before break!

I am making an effort to really take a step away from the computer and social media, although this blog is obviously an exception tonight.  There has been such an influx of negative media and events in the world that I feel sick every time I look at Facebook or the news.  I need time to focus on the things I am grateful for and do the things that make parts of my life stronger and happier.

Audrey napping on the floor, battling a stomach flu.  Yuk.  Poor kiddo.

I think a lot about my family near and far during this time of year, and wish they were closer.  I am grateful for all of their love and support, and hope that we can visit them soon.  For now, however, I take comfort in knowing that they are where they want to be, and are happy in life.


This is a picture that I took walking out of work for Winter Break.  I found it beautiful.  

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