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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Lazy Sunday Pictures

Our new Christmas tree us set-up in the family room.  Many of the ornaments are from our trips to Virginia, and bring me warmth and smiles as the weather chills outside. 
OK, we will need more lights for the tree outside next year, but I still find our little tree a nice addition to the evening.

Our electric menorah was made by my grandfather, and has been passed down the Orelove line!  I love lighting it every year.  It reminds me of my own childhood and my father letting me turn the lights on Hanukkah.

This is my ornament selection from Virginia this year.  Dia de los Muertos style.  A beautiful reminder of life.

Violet was so happy to get a birthday package from Attle in Alaska!  Feathers, a card, and a book light!  She reads with it every night!

Violet snuggles up in the dog bed.  She is still so cute, though.

A family selfie on our new bed!  

Violet sings this weekend at her Holiday Recital.  She did a great job and I love her so much.

Granny visited this weekend to make cookies and enjoy the new holiday set-up in front of the fire! 

Audrey wins the Cup!  Really, we went to a skating birthday party today.  We had a lot of fun!

Audrey and Frosty.

I have the cutest date in the rink holding my hand.

Audrey and Daddy in the penalty box.

A size 12 skate.  I'm a size 13.  

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