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Sunday, November 29, 2015


The sun has set and the final hours before bed on this Thanksgiving weekend are all that stand between us and the return to daily life as we are accustomed.  We have made our pilgrimage to Virginia and back for yet another year, and again I am reminded of how special this holiday is.

While words cannot do it justice, I have included some pictures of our brief time with our family.  It was just a few days, but those memories are the ones that I will hold near as winter wraps its icy embrace around us.  The arm air and sunny days allowed us to play, laugh, and explore.  We held true to our traditions, and added a few new items to our docket, as well.  The food was second-to-none, and Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene were the hosts of hosts, as usual.  

Same, Emma, and I ran in the Richmond Turkey Trot 10k, and I could not be more proud of my cousins for training and nailing the run on a perfect Thanksgiving morning.  To add to the excitement, Audrey and Violet also ran in the Drumstick Dash, and I think more runs will be in their future!  

Thanksgiving dinner was tremendous, and the company around the table could not be surpassed.  I took a lot of opportunities to sit still and just look around and enjoy life and appreciate the small moments.  Seeing my children laugh and play, listening as my wife held discussions, discussing life with my cousins, and getting to hug my sister.  All of these things poured into my heart during our short time in Virginia.  

The ride home was long, but nice.  Waking-up in our own beds was a great way to start our Sunday.  All around us, neighbors put up Christmas lights and decorations, but I am hesitant to follow suit, as I try to hold-on to Thanksgiving as long as possible.  


Full tank of gas, ready for the long haul to Virginia!

We stopped somewhere in Ohio and spent the night.  Here is our car the next morning before making the second leg of the trip!

Made it to Virginia.  I turn around, and Violet has taped cousin Emma's mouth shut!  Who  brought these kids?!?!  :-)

Audrey in fluff.  Aunt Irene introduced the girls to sewing this year.

Aunt Eden!  

Aunt Eden and her two nieces.

Turkey Trotters 2015!  I am so proud of my family.

Post-Run celebration at Starbucks!

Daddy and Audrey show-off our Turkey Trot bling.  I actually ordered these since they didn't give medals at the run.  Seriously, who does that!?!

Playing Bags in the yard:  Sam, Emma, Uncle Stuart, Uncle Fred.

Audrey collecting rocks.

Audrey and Violet in Richmond.

Uncle Stuart and Uncle Fred:  Bags competitors!  

Thanksgiving family selfie!

It isn't Thanksgiving until the cranberry boats!

OK, it REALLY isn't Thanksgiving until the pumpkin custards!


Violet helps decorate!

This makes me so happy.

Audrey is getting her daddy's feet!  Little Bigfoot!

Snuggling on the couch post-Thanksgiving dinner.

Sam and Audrey snooze!  

Audrey and Emma at the ARC Park!

Aunt Sheila and Violet!

Sam and Aunt Irene.

Sam, Abel, and Aunt Irene.

Violet climbing!

Audrey and Sheila.

A beautiful flower on our way to Cary Town.

Audrey reads to Uncle Fred.
Playing in the yard with cousin Sam.  This was the last picture we took before hitting the road back hom.

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