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Sunday, May 8, 2016

A May Beginning

Mini-Golfing with the girls in Indiana

Violet and the Dragon

Doing the dishes, I look out my window to see a Violet Bird!

A close-up of the rare Violet Bird!

Roasting marshmallows in the fire pit.

Daddy/Audrey chillin

Silly face selfie!

Making cookies with Audrey.

Violet and a skeleton from Uncle Michael!

More memorabilia from the time capsule of 1996. 

Audrey with another flag of the week from Uncle Michael!

Kenosha, WI.  On the lakefront before the Wisconsin Half Marathon!

Kenosha sunrise.

Finishers get a beer and a brat.  I passed on both.  But man were these guys happy at 6:15am!

On the run back towards the finish, the weather looked like it might shift and bring us some rain, but it didn't.

On the road!

My post-race picnic with medal and cheese and bagels in hand!  

The view from my personal picnic place.  

I got my picture with the winner of the hand cycle!  

Phoebe getting crazy in the backyard!

Got my magazine and a fire going on a Saturday.  Life is good!

The cousins in South Bend, IN.

Audrey and cousin Spencer.

Violet trying to look fierce.

PLAY BALL!  Working on the batting stance with daddy!  My little slugger.

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