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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Chilly Sunday Awake

It is just past 7am on this nippy Sunday morning.  The rest of the house is still asleep, but I am taking a few minutes to enjoy my coffee and the fireplace before setting my agenda for the day.

Only a few days until Thanksgiving, and we are looking forward to another trip to Virginia to visit my Uncle and Aunt, and cousins.  Food and smiles and hugs and a trukey trot and good coffee and walks outside and tasty treats all play in my mind when I think about Virginia.  This is always a special time of year for me, and it is the one tradition I have managed to keep into my adult life.

While it is a wonderful time, there is also a bittersweet piece to it, in that there are so many other important people in my life I do not get to see during the holiday.  I will miss the rest of my family and friends, including my dad and mom and step-father and step-mother.  I will miss my best friends still in Alaska and around the country.  There is so much love to give, but it is often difficult to be able to do so in person.

So the sun continues to rise, and the obligations of the day continue to mount and chant louder and louder in my head.  Leaf raking, school work, cleaning, laundry, returning late library books, preparing for our next child in less than two months....I am glad that I have given myself permission to drink my cup of coffee before letting the landslide of things to do completely engulf me.

I have so much love for everyone, and I am sorry if I do not always make that clear to people.

I will try to do better moving forward.

My coffee is nearly gone, and now the day begins.


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