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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Emma and Violet.

It feels like a dream, now that I am waking up in my own house on an early Sunday morning.  The drive back from Richmond began yesterday morning, and we arrived home a little past midnight...not eight hours ago.

The memories I will take with me from Thanksgiving this year...

  • Waking-up in Wilder, Kentucky on Wednesday and enjoying a breakfast in the hotel with the girls before hitting the road to Richmond.  
  • Driving over the Appalachian Mountains and feeling the sun on my face.
  • Arriving in Richmond and hugging everyone.
  • Candles along the table in the evening, casting the dining room and living room in the Thanksgiving glow.
  • Watching my cousins play with my children.
  • Standing with my aunt and uncle and watching our children play together.  
  • Listening to stories from the lives of people I care about.
  • Listening to the ideas and observations from the people I care about. 
  • Shedding some tears because I was happy.
  • Shedding some tears because I was sad.
  • The second annual Turkey Trot with Sam and the girls.
  • Playing catch in the front yard with Audrey, Sam, Emma, and Uncle Fred while making-up rules such as you must say a palindrome every time you throw.  
  • All of the amazing food:  turkey, spicy cranberry sauce, stuffing, brussel sprouts....
  • The Schnorer breakfast.
  • Seeing my children holding actual conversations with my family.
  • Feeling much too full to eat another custard....then eating another custard.
  • Shopping in Cary Town with my wife.
  • Playing tag with Uncle Fred and Sam and the girls in the ARC Park.  
  • Watching a movie with my entire family.
  • Seeing leaves fall on a still Saturday morning before packing up to leave.
  • Smiling, knowing that we have such a good life and that things will be OK.
  • Hugging again, this time to say goodbye.  A few more tears. 
  • Hitting the road back, home calling.
  • Falling into bed and feeling the warmth build under the blankets as the world faded into sleep.
  • Waking up this morning and feeling like it was all a dream....just like I do every year.

Emma and Audrey.  Emma petting Audrey.

Pasta dinner night before Thanksgiving.  

Audrey and Funny Girl.  

Sam and the girls post-Turkey Trot.  On the way to Starbucks.

Rocking our Turkey Trot custom medals!

Post-Trot Starbucks.


Audrey figuring out yet another App while Emma has given-in to the sleep side.

Sam and the girls about to hit Cary Town.

Woodstock flight patterns on a wall.

Space Violet.

Audrey finds the Sorting Hat!

Violet and Fred playing with her Woah-Bots

Emma looking on as Audrey opens a gift.

Schmoo and the Aud.

Schmoo and the Vi.

The girls and the dog we watched, Draco.  He was a big sweetie.  I think he knew we were leaving, and he was sad.

The girls decorating Sam with putty.

Audrey didn't want to leave.  Maybe Camp Sam next year in Florida?  

1 comment:

joel said...

you make it soud womderous;next yearG-d willing I may be there!