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Sunday, December 4, 2016

First Flakes

Snow Sisters
And so the first flakes of the year fall.  The weather people said it would...and it did.  So they fell, lightly at first, then heavier and larger and harder, until it became quiet and the world was muffled under the blanket of white that December always brings.  

The girls were out in it after a nice Sunday morning breakfast.  The day has been one of relaxation and some cleaning and work...but mostly one of enjoying the day with my daughters and beautiful wife.  

I want to write more, but my eyes are heavy and my mind is tired at the prospect of Monday already being just a few minutes away.  So here are some pictures from the weekend...which are worth a few words in of themselves.  

And so it snows....and so life goes.

Violet and her friends at the annual winter concert that her daycare puts on every year.

Granny came to visit and see the girls...Phoebe returned home too!  

I love my little reindeer so much.


Making holiday cookies.  Life is good.

She said she was too nervous the night before.  I don't buy it for a minute!

Audrey bouncing at a giant warehouse full of trampolines.  Crazy!

Plate face!

Throwing snowballs at dad!

1/3 of a snowman.

1/3 of a snowman.

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