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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Sam 12/20/2016

We light the first candle of Hanukkah.  This is an electric menorah that my grandfather made.  He used it every Hanukkah with my dad and uncles, and my dad used it with my sister and I growing up.  Now it is being used with the third generation of Orelove!

It was just after midnight on December 20th when Kim woke me up and told me it was time to go to the hospital.  Sam was not due until January 15th, but he was ready now!  I got socks, boots, and coats on the girls and they wore their pajamas as their clothes.  We all headed to Edward hospital and were admitted.  We stayed in the hospital delivery room for about five hours and the girls camped out on the lone couch, doing their best to rest or watch a movie on my phone while the doctors checked-out Kim and Sam to make sure all was on-track and looking healthy for the premature delivery.  Audrey and Violet are true champs and were really good and just accepted the situation and did their best to adapt.

Audrey and Violet in the middle of the night in the hospital, waiting for Sam to arrive!

We didn't know it, but at this moment, Sam was being born as we ate breakfast in the hospital cafeteria.  

Audrey meeting her baby brother, Sam, for the first time.

Sam was born premature by almost a month, so he had to have oxygen and a feeding tube for a couple days.  

I took them to breakfast in the cafeteria at 6am, and I was paged at 6:25am.  By the time I got back to the delivery room, the doctor informed me that the baby was breach (butt first) and the heartbeat started to drop, so they did an emergency c-section and Sam was born and Kim was in surgery and would be brought to recovery.  It happened that fast.

Sam:  The first day.

Dad meeting son for first time.

Looking into the camera.

Kim meeting Sam for the first time since c-section.

Mom and son.

Sleepy kid.

Picture mid-yawn.  Silly eyes.

Napping in mom's arms.

Sleeping with dad's hand.  Stay warm kiddo.

Second day snuggles.

Resting up to come home!
The nurses were terrific and brought Sam by in an oxygen box so the girls could meet their baby brother.  Audrey brought one of the nurses to tears when she introduced herself and said hello to Sam.  Violet stood by me and took it all in.  I can't imagine things from her perspective of a tired 5-year-old.  They then whisked Sam up to NICU and the girls and I waited for Kim to get out of surgery.

Our family friends picked-up the girls and took them for the day until Kim's mom, Dixie, could get up from Indiana.  We are so lucky to have the Bui family in our lives!  They are just the best!  No questions asked, they just came and got the girls.  So then I waited for Kim and sat with her in recovery as she woke up and got all the medical attention she needed.  She was then moved up to the recovery ward next to the NICU.

Sam in his "tub"

Snoozing Sam.

He sleeps with his mouth open, like his old man!

Learning to bottle feed the next day.

Looking up at mom.

Snuggle time!

He just adores his mom.

Bottle time with dad!

We spent the next three nights there, recovering, sleeping, eating, and talking.  We visited Sam often and learned about his recovery process, as well.  He needed to consistently eat from the bottle for two days before being considered for release.  This had taken up to two weeks, the doctors told us of other similar premature babies.  The nurses and doctors and technicians at Edward Hospital were just amazing, and they showed nothing but care, compassion, and dedication to helping our family heal and get home.  The doctors gave sound advice and observations and information.  The nurses we gentle and treated Kim with dignity and respect and went above and beyond to make her comfortable and ensure she was safe throughout her stay.  The NICU doctors and nurses were always smiling and giving Sam hugs and always keeping us informed on his progress and his health as time moved forward.

Kim decided to come home on Friday, and it was nice for her to get some sleep and rest in the familiarity of the living room.  We were surprised when the NICU called the next morning and told us to come out and have Sam try the car seat test and then get discharged!  We came out and he was placed in the car seat for 1.5 hours to ensure his breathing was OK and all vitals were strong.  We then cleaned him up and changed him into his clothes and got to take him home!

The staff made ornaments and a sign for his room.  They were great.

Sam ornament.

Tub from above.

Notice all of the tubes are gone.  Just learning how to eat regularly now!

Sam taking the car seat test.  Once he could sit for an hour and a half with no problems, he was free to go home!  Passed on his first round!

We had lunch at the Ronald McDonald room in the hospital.  It is a great place for families with children in the hospital, free of charge.  I will consider running for a charity bib in its name during a future run.  

So our first night together in our house with Sam was the first night of Hanukkah and Christmas Eve.  It was special to light the electric menorah that his great grandfather had made.

Now we are taking things a few hours at a time.  Sam has been a little fussy and we are keeping the feeding schedule through the night.  Now the coffee is kicking in and it is time for lunch on this Christmas day.  The girls are in Indiana, so it is a strange thing to not be together today, but we are together in the sense that our family is safe and at home and everyone knows they are loved.  That, to me, is just about perfect.

So welcome, Sam Edward Orelove.  You have a wonderful family, with two big sisters who will show you everything and keep you safe as you get older.  You have a mom who will go to the end of the world and back for you at any time.  You have family all over the country who have unlimited love for you.  All we ask is that you find your way and live your life and be you.  Welcome to the world.  We love you.

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