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Monday, January 16, 2017


And here we are in a new year.  The road stretches out in front of us, and new ones branch off of our current path.  Something that I continue to find absolutely fascinating since moving from Alaska is the road system in the continental United States.  Juneau is a town that does not have a road leading out.  One must either fly or boat into Juneau.  When I left for college in Washington, I found it quite the thing to be able to drive and continue to drive to anywhere else on the continent of North America.  Even when we drive just to Indiana, I still marvel that we could just drive to Florida or in any direction until we hit water.

Such is our life and family as the new year begins to take root.  The arrival of Sam opens new doors for our family and we begin to adjust to five instead of four.  We are learning how to sleep between feedings and diapers.  The girls are leaning on each other as friends and playing very well independently.

There has been a peaceful, content lull since the holidays.  The gifts have all been put away and are enjoyed by the family.  The tree and decorations are away, and the nights seem a little darker without the lights up and down our streets.  However, this also signals that we are simply that much closer to spring.  These couple weeks, however, have been cold with ice and snow blanketing our little corner of the world.  We have been getting to know Sam, and trying to keep up with laundry and the daily household chores.

But what adventures can we find this year?  What trips will we make together and what things will challenge us as individuals?  Audrey and Violet will find themselves in third grade and kindergarten respectively.  Kim will spend a good period of time at home with Sam, then back to work doing amazing wok for her company.  I plan on exploring my career options and looking long-term into my education and making some plans as I move into mid-life.  I will be running more this year, getting faster and learning how to train for time. I want to run for the enjoyment of it, too.  Practice the art as well as the science of it all.

What roads will we come to that we did not cross last year?  Should we take them and see where they lead?  Or continue on the familiar and tried?  It is all good to say, but actions are how we are this not so?

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