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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Taking a Moment

It is a snowy morning in South Bend.  We are here with family to celebrate the January birthdays this year, including mine!  It is quite odd to step back and view myself as a 37-year-old.  I have not adopted the mindset of being closer to 40 than 30....come to think of it, I have barely accepted that I am in my 30's!

Looking outside, the snow flurries make one feel like they are in the center of a snow globe.  All motivation to wander outside has been sapped once I settle on the couch with Sam on my chest, snoozing away.  Audrey is playing with her cousin, with plans to watch the BFG soon.  Kim and Violet are still asleep in the other room.

Things have been moving at a slow pace, which is good right now.  Sam is sleeping, eating, crying, and repeating.  The girls are going to school, and Kim gets to stay home and bond and make sure she is healthy, too.  The winter hasn't made its mind up as to whether or not it will begin to allow spring into the picture.

I am looking forward to spring, with the nearing of travels and even thinking about summer!  We have a lot of things we want to do, including getting the girls signed up for swimming, doing more biking, lots of running and races, and more time spent with friends.

With all that is happening in the world, I find myself so thankful for having the option do just be with my family. There are goals and things to be done, for sure, but time has slowed today and we give ourselves permission to just be and rest for a little while.

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