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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Oh the times....

Tonight I savored the first fir in fire pit out back.  I ended up watching my girls play for an hour on the play set while I held Sam and the fire crackled.  Between contemplating new jobs and our trip to Florida, there has been a lot to think about and look back on.

Today was just a perfect spring day.  The birds were chirping, and the sun just gives one energy to do all the things that need doing around the house.  The day has been spent with loads of laundry, dishes, and some yard work.  Audrey spent some time at a friend's house and later we even went to the park to fly a kite.  Violet climbed all over the back yard and they battled with play swords and shields for a bit.  It is fun to just watch them play sometimes.  Another chunk of my day was used to clean-out the toy room and get ready to set-up Sam's bedroom.  Violet may also get her own room, soon, too.  We are also considering sprucing-up the guest room for anyone who might want to visit!

It has been a week since we returned from the happiest place on earth, and I still feel like my mind is swimming and my body has yet to catch up on rest.  It is nice, though, to realize that we are close to summer.  Hopefully I will know my next job in the near future and will not have to continue to feel the stress of not knowing.

To avoid this decision that is out of my hands, I pass the time by keeping them busy.  I moved furniture all over today, making Violet's new bedroom and also rearranging Audrey's.  Next is the task of moving beds around the guest rooms and assembling Sam's crib, which has also belonged to both girls when they were little ones.  This afternoon, both girls enjoyed time in their new rooms arranging items and books and visiting each other.

I also managed to get out a few times today.  This morning began with taking Sam on a stroller walk of about 3 miles, then again later in the morning.  I took him out with the girls on another 3 mile walk as they biked.  Lastly, I managed to "sneak" out in the evening for a run on my own, which felt wonderful.  The dark run was exactly what I needed to clear my head, get some air, and allow my mind to wander and then focus on all of the items that lay in front of me.  The street lights moved my shadow as I ran from in front to behind me, then again and again.  It was almost hypnotic once I found my cadence and breathing.  I continue to be amazed at how good it feels to just put one foot in front of the other.

And now I lay here in bed, the night is calling and sleep is heavy on my eyes.  I hope that my family is dreaming good dreams.  Far away the Alaska Folk Festival is happening, and I can almost hear the guitars and violins serenading me.  Tonight we dream big, and know that tomorrow is another adventure.


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