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Sunday, July 30, 2017


Violet got a ball at batting practice!
The family is finally all awake this Sunday morning.  It was a later evening for the Orelove family, as we attended a Cougars baseball game, and had a great evening.  One of Kim's favorite bands, American English, played Beatles songs before the game, and Violet even got a ball from batting practice.  The game itself was fun, with the home team winning!  Fireworks and running the bases followed before a ride home in the dark.

There is something special about baseball, especially minor league baseball.  While the majors are amazing in terms of their skill levels, watching aspiring big league players contend in a family-friendly ball park is just so much fun.  I fall in love with minor league baseball each year when I watch Bull Durham .  I laugh and enjoy the simplicity of hitting the ball, catching the ball, and throwing the ball.

Today promises to be a lazy one, as we have been up early cleaning, and now have no real plans...which is fine with me.  School is just around the corner and I am beginning to feel the pressure of needing to prepare and get my curriculum going.  I am looking forward to orientation and mentor meetings in the next couple weeks.  I have spend several days over the summer getting my classroom set-up, and am pleased with where my classroom is at for now.  I don't get too crazy with decorations, as I believe it distracts from the learning at also leaves opportunity for students to contribute to the management of the classroom.

For now, however, it is time to get up and go for a walk before the afternoon heat.  I will take in the simplicity of walking with Sam in the stroller and maybe enjoy a podcast.  The day is open, and we all take deep breaths and enjoy the time together.  It will all change, and the clutter of life will eventually return...but for now we move through the day feeling clean, simple, and content.

Sam finds his toes!
Long shadows as the sun slowly sets.
Just my girls hanging out, playing with their brother!
Sam snoozing.
Happy baby bouncer!
This is a picture of our dinner in Olympia, Washington last week.  My cousin, Jonathan, is in the bottom corner.  Also pictured are my sister, cousins Pam and Hannah, and my mom.  I miss Washington.
Selfie with my sister in Troutdale, Oregon.  The Multnomah Falls are behind us.
The Multnomah Falls.
A view of the Columbia River in Troutdale, Oregon.  
Cousins Jonathan and Hannah took us row boating in Olympia, Washington.  It was a lovely night.
Seattle.  My birth city.  This picture was taken from the parking lot of the home my Grandmother lived in.  The memorial service was also held here.  It was special to see so many family members, and I wish we had more time...but life moves quickly.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Early Flight

I am sitting in the airport, waiting for my travels to the West Coast to. Erin.  My grandmother passed away last week, and her memorial is later this afternoon in Seattle.  My travels will only last about 48 hours, but it is a little time to myself and some time with my mom and some family that lives in Washington.  

It has been quite a while, seven or eight years, since I last saw my grandmother.  I have faded memories and some scraps of visions in my mind about her.   I am reminded of one of my favorite movies The Big Chill in the sense that we will come together for a short period of time, brought together by death, talking about life.  

Up to this morning, the business of life has been lovely in our household.   We have spent a lot of time in the city, running half marathons, Mystery Science Theater show, and these last couple days, we visited the Field Museum again and also took in the Art Institute with our cousin Gail.  While I am not sure what left a lasting impression, it was special to watch my children look at, and talk about, what they were seeing in some of the greatest works in human history.  

Just as enjoyable, I loved being able to let Kim and Gail go off to see Hamilton while the kids and I headed home for a quiet evening capped off with a viewing of Jurassic Park.  It is just fun to laugh and enjoy the adventure through their eyes...except for Sam...who zonked out about 10 minutes in.   

So now I wait, watching the sunrise through a terminal window.  Boarding will begin soon, and this journey begins...but I cannot wait to return home to the larger adventure.  


Below are some pictures from our most recent visit to the Field Museum and our lazy summer days together...and Sam's super chub legs.  

Monday, July 17, 2017

Quiet Tuesday

The girls got front balcony seats for MSTK!
Sam playing.  He is a ball of constant energy and movement.
The Chicago Rock and Roll Half Marathon Finisher's Medal!  It will be added to my collection!  I love my bling!
A picture at the start of the race.  This is actually after about 5 waves had already started before us!  It is amazing the sea of humanity that comes together!
The girls enjoyed going to the running expo with me!  This giant chocolate milk was their favorite.  Violet thought it was real at first!  I love her.

We are now in the dog days of summer.  That time when there are no real plans except to move through the day without much structure, or only a couple items on the to-do list.  It is wonderful, and it is precious.  The moments throughout the day belong to us, and we spend them lazily around the house, playing, laughing, resting, eating...whatever strikes our fancy at the time.  

There are a few more things on our summer list...but not many, and the calling of the classroom grows a little louder each day.  This time since June has been so special, and has proven to help clear my head and get my mind on the right track again.  I feel fresh and healed in a lot of ways, and am looking forward to this new path of teaching and life moving forward.

The Orelove kids are also enjoying summer.  We have been trying to get out and do some fun and new activities and events, while also maintaining some routine things around the house.  This week I took the girls to see Mystery Science Theater 3000 Live.  It is one of our favorite TV shows on Netflix, and the live performance did not disappoint.  I even got to ask the creator of the show a question before the main performance!  It was a special thing to share in the excitement and interests that all three of us have together.  

Sam is now rolling and attempting crawling.  He is still just so happy, and smiles and chirps and grunts his way through the day.  He is getting so big and his personality grows each day.  I am trying to mentally prepare myself for when he becomes mobile!  Kim has ordered baby gates and the like for our house...but there is another level of alertness I need to rediscover before he starts crawling all over the place and finding new opportunities for adventure and mischief!  

I continue to run and try to maintain a regular training schedule.  This last week was a little tough because of the heat and humidity, but it is still nice to get out and get a couple miles in whenever possible.  I ran in the Chicago Rock and Roll Half Marathon, and got a chance to see where I am at fitness wise.  I am not happy with my weight, but I was pleased to be able to finish with only walk breaks through the water stations.  It was a nice day, and we were lucky to have an overcast cloud cover for most of the race.  There were numerous sprinklers and hoses out that provided a spray of cold water every couple miles, and I came to savor these brief moments of cold before slogging on.  It is always amazing to me to see so many people come together for the purpose of a run.  Seeing people of all shapes and sizes and ability moving together to accomplish something only they really is quite something.

And now I digress.  The sounds of feet upstairs tell me that I will soon be in the company of some hungry girls who will need some direction and an adventure today.  So I am enjoy these last few days of summer.