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Sunday, July 23, 2017

Early Flight

I am sitting in the airport, waiting for my travels to the West Coast to. Erin.  My grandmother passed away last week, and her memorial is later this afternoon in Seattle.  My travels will only last about 48 hours, but it is a little time to myself and some time with my mom and some family that lives in Washington.  

It has been quite a while, seven or eight years, since I last saw my grandmother.  I have faded memories and some scraps of visions in my mind about her.   I am reminded of one of my favorite movies The Big Chill in the sense that we will come together for a short period of time, brought together by death, talking about life.  

Up to this morning, the business of life has been lovely in our household.   We have spent a lot of time in the city, running half marathons, Mystery Science Theater show, and these last couple days, we visited the Field Museum again and also took in the Art Institute with our cousin Gail.  While I am not sure what left a lasting impression, it was special to watch my children look at, and talk about, what they were seeing in some of the greatest works in human history.  

Just as enjoyable, I loved being able to let Kim and Gail go off to see Hamilton while the kids and I headed home for a quiet evening capped off with a viewing of Jurassic Park.  It is just fun to laugh and enjoy the adventure through their eyes...except for Sam...who zonked out about 10 minutes in.   

So now I wait, watching the sunrise through a terminal window.  Boarding will begin soon, and this journey begins...but I cannot wait to return home to the larger adventure.  


Below are some pictures from our most recent visit to the Field Museum and our lazy summer days together...and Sam's super chub legs.  

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