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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Peaceful Sunday Morning

Sam, Oskar, and I are awake on this quiet weekend morning.  The air outside is crisp as a cardinal sings somewhere nearby.  Sam munches on dry Cheerios by the fire while Oskar chomps on his kibble. 

Yesterday we had a birthday party for Audrey and Violet and our cousin, Penny.  It was special to have nearly 20 people over at our house to celebrate and enjoy themselves.  We all had plenty of food and drink, and the Notre Dame football game was on to keep some on the edge of their seats.  

By the evening, my brother-in-law, Mark, had fixed our leaky toilet upstairs and the kids had tired themselves out completely and we all finished the night with a movie and sleep.  

It was also a fun experience watching my dad meet some of my Indiana family.  He and our close family friend, Davey, had fun talking with and interacting with all of the children.  It was a nice way to spend an afternoon.  

On the selfish side, I now wake up to a clean house, mowed yard, and stocked refrigerator ready for an afternoon of football and grading papers.  

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