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Sunday, November 25, 2018


Another year running the Richmond Turkey Trot.  So cool to have Riccardo join the family!

My heart leaves Richmond once again overflowing.  The trips there and back are a blur, but our time there this year was made special once again with family gathering and sharing a fantastic dinner around the table on Confederate Ave.  I do not have much to contribute to the festivities this year, but I found myself continually stepping back to enjoy watching my children interact with everyone.  There is something so special to watch your children smile and laugh and play with everyone around them.  To see my cousin, Emma, so happy with her fiance, Riccardo, is wonderful.  To see my cousin, Sam, act goofy and play with my little Sam is fantastic.  To see my sister, mother, and father sitting around the table for the first time ever on Thanksgiving...that is something I will always remember.  Too many memories and moments to write about.  Below are the pictures, and the moments.  So much love.  As always, we look forward to next year.


Hitting the road to Richmond.  
Audrey is not that far behind cousin Emma!
Sam slept hard on his first night in Richmond!
My mother meets Sam for the first time and then goes for a walk with Aunt Irene!
Traditional post-run Starbucks.
Emma and Riccardo.  
The "normal" Turkey Trot medal, and the annual Orelove Trot medal!
Sam spinning and snacking in the kitchen.
Why yes...yes I will have a banana.
Playing on the kitchen floor with Aunt Irene and Uncle Fred.
Sarah's is officially Thanksgiving.
Aunt Irene's beautiful centerpieces.
She's almost not my little girl anymore.
My mom, sister, Audrey, and Violet eating Thanksgiving dinner.
Violet helping with the cranberry boats!  
I have always loved the cacti in Richmond.
Our order at Pearlies in Richmond for breakfast.  
Audrey's blintzes.  
Playing at the Arc Park
Cousins at the Arc Park
I love this picture.  
Chasing bubbles...just like his dad.
Sam and Sam.  

Uncle Fred on the same level as Sam.  

Sam is great at getting kitchen stuff out...and leaving it there.

Another great shot of walking with Sam.

Happy strollers enjoying the Turkey Trot.

The Bird Brains have reunited!

Riccardo gets his medal from Violet.

Aunt Irene is always amazing.  The girls adore her.

More playing with Uncle Fred.

Violet was over the moon when she found out Riccardo was an MMA fighter.  They sparred all weekend.

Breakfast at Pearlies with my sister and dad.  

Uncle Stuart, my mom, and Sam munching on eggs.

Literally hanging out with Riccardo.

Girls climbing at the Arc Park.

Sam swinging at the ARC Park.

Happy Sam.

Ricarrdo and the girls.

Sam is always ready to sweep you off your feet.

Dad and Sam.

Sam playing peek-a-boo!  

Sunday, November 18, 2018

New Chapters

Today I helped my dad move to his new apartment on the north side of the city.  The view of both Lake Michigan and Lake Shore Drive is amazing. I am so proud of all of his hard work ivers these last few months to better himself and earn his independence again.  I love you Dad.  

Sam and Oskar on a Saturday morning.  

The medals are ready for the 2018 Turkey Trot! 

Zayed buys pizza for the family to celebrate his last night in Plainfield.  

I made mandarin orange and cranberry scones.  They were yummy.  

Sam and a pound of raspberries.  

Violet used a hook kick to break this board and finish her testing for her blue belt!  We are so proud. 

I made candy cookies.  They were ok.  

We celebrated the birthdays of November in South Bend.  What a group!:  Grandpa Cip, Grandma Flesher, Celia, and Violet!