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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Slow Sunday

A nice Saturday/Sunday in Indiana.  Lots of down time and a few naps.  Now we are packing up to head home before darkness sets in.  We now look forward to our trip to our annual pilgrimage to Richmond.   For now, we take each day as it comes and enjoy the time we have!  Here are some pictures from the last week.  

The November Birthdays: Violet, Grandpa Cip, Grandma Flesher, and Celia.  

Sam and Oskar hanging out on a Friday night. 

Father/Son movie night. 

I asked Violet to crack a few eggs.  She went above and beyond the call of duty here.  

Sam and Oskar hanging out and sharing some snacks.  Sam opens the crate and goes in all the time.  

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