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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Snowy Spring

Sam being Sam

We are sitting in the living room, watching movies and relaxing.  Lunches have been made, laundry is in progress, and showers are on the horizon.  Today has been a quiet one, due to a couple inches of snow that has been continuously dropping from the heavens since early this morning.  It is nice to have an excuse to be lazy and spend most of the day in a sleeping bag on the couch.  

The girls make cupcakes.

April is moving quickly, though.  Violet continues to work on her taekwondo belt forms and will be ready next month when testing happens.  It is exciting to see her getting better and better and still enjoying the class. 
Audrey and her Cookie Monster cupcake.

The kids are loving being outside (except for the snow today), and are making new friends in the neighborhood, and immediately heading outside when we get home.  For now that is all.  Quiet, snowy, sleepy.

C is for cupcake!

Double Chocolate Chip Cookies.  Yum.

Daddy and Violet clean out the garage, but pause for a few minutes to rock out with some old 80's stuff!

Made mini pizzas this week.  Easy and tasty.

Audrey and Daddy hanging out.  I love this kid.

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