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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Working on Things

It is officially my spring break and I am looking forward to some down time.  When I was in college, down time literally meant being on a couch for most of the day and having a pizza delivered.  Now, down time means taking on extra responsibilities and getting some things accomplished outside of my job.  Now there are things like yard work, exercise, and house cleaning that sit at the top of my list. 

I also really enjoy getting the kids up in the morning and getting breakfast and dropping them at school.  Seeing them in the morning is a nice change, as I am normally up at 4:30am and do not have the opportunity to interact in the morning.  The girls have today off, then it is back to school for them.  I know they had a great time at Granny's and I am thankful for that. 

The weather has started to warm, so it is a treat to be outside and not feel like hypothermia is setting in.  Running outside again is such a positive, and now I need to work on my consistency.  I have a half marathon next weekend in Milwaukee, so that should be interesting.  I have also been eating healthier and drinking more water each day, so that has helped to feel more just use that to keep running!

The dog enjoys the walks, too, so that is a bonus.  He is a good dog, and loves the attention.  Shortly I think we will venture out into the sunshine.  The sun feels good on my face, and the fresh air is always a welcome refreshment.  The rest of the day has yet to be planned, but the girls are still asleep.  Maybe a trip to the bird preserve or a park?  The day is young and I am doing my best to approach it in a positive light.


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