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Sunday, November 24, 2019


Uncle Stuart and the kids chow down!

A football game is on while Kim and Sam light-up the Christmas tree.  It is a lazy Sunday, with lots of Thanksgiving leftovers from our dinner yesterday with my dad, uncle, and friend.  The sun is setting and I am comfortably plopped on my dad couch next to the fire.  The house is fairly clean and laundry will be ready to fold soon.   

This is a pie called "Fat Elvis", which involves layers of pretzels, banana chips, banana pudding, chocolate pudding, and peanut butter topping!

Last night, our family friend, Davey, drove my dad and Uncle Stuart out to our house for an early Thanksgiving meal.  Since my dad is not attending our traditional Thanksgiving in Virginia, I thought it would be nice to have one with him.  Kim made the turkey and all of the trimmings...which we have also been enjoying all day today!  It was a nice evening of laughter, college football, taekwondo demonstrations, and contentment.  The next two days include parent/teacher conferences and packing for our trip.  This weekend was yet another reminder to how lucky I am to be a part of this family and recognize all that I have.  We spend time looking for things all too often, but today I take a moment to realize how much I have and how full my heart is.


Cheesecake:  Amaretto, espresso, and pumpkin.   

MORE cheesecake!:  classic, chocolate chip, and key lime.

Kim was amazing and filled all of our plates.  

Davey walking, talking, and snacking while Violet shows Uncle Stuart her Kindle.

Sam playing at his alphabet table.

Audrey spending some quiet time by the fireplace.

Zadie and Oskar

Davey and Violet converse.  

Zayde and Violet chilling on the couch.

Violet demonstrating her red belt form.

Sam fell asleep on the Dad Pad.

Sam and Uncle Stuart holding hands.  

Sam and the men.

Kim and Sam start the decoration process.  Life is good.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Don't Miss It

Yesterday Audrey asked me when I was going to retire.  This is a question I have honestly not thought much about.  I have mixed feelings about retirement because I love teaching and working in a school setting.  I tried to explain how retirement was a strange thing to think about because it is really a time that we work for, so we don't have to work anymore, and have final chances to experience things before the end of our lives. 

So naturally, after this conversation, I started thinking about what I want to accomplish and achieve and experience in my lifetime.  Thinking about how I want to spend the remainder of my life is a strange, exciting, and slightly frightening process.  There is an endless amount of experiences and goals that I find on my list, but it is the end of life concept that is startling.  I have been thinking a lot lately about my personal beliefs and what happens after life ends.  While I don't believe in an "afterlife", I do think the energy in our bodies leaves out into the universe.  Whatever happens, I am trying to envision my life as this time here on Earth, with other living human beings. 

This idea is important to me, because I am not going to hold-out for an idea of eternal life once I die.  I am trying to live my best life right now with my children, wife, and friends and family.  I need to remember that each day is an opportunity to live rather than another tally mark in the countdown until death.  I don't want this post to become a cliche for living life to the fullest, or to live, laugh, and love.  Yes, those things are important to keep in mind...but this isn't Groundhog Day where we have unlimited opportunities to make every moment count.  I do believe, however, that we have the chance every day to show kindness or compassion in some sort of way.  Will I live each day as if it's my last?  No.  Can I try to find the good in others?  Can I try to exercise a little each day?  Can I find something to smile about?  Yes.  Each day doesn't have to be perfect...but each day should be thoughtfully lived.  Even in my bursts of anger or frustration or depression, I can still manage to help others, laugh at something, or at least allow myself to rest a little and be a better person than a few hours before. 

So I finish this blog post and now look ahead to a day of dog walks, laundry, and maybe some grading and a nap.  It is not a perfect day.  It is not going to be a day that I consider one of my least I don't think it will be....but it is a day where I will do my best to laugh a little, be a healthier person, tell my wife and children I love them..and maybe find some contentment in the fact that I got out of bed today and accomplished some little things.  After all, it is the little things that add up to the larger foundations of a life lived.


Monday, November 11, 2019

A Cold Blanket

And so it is winter. 

The days have been getting darker and darker, and the snow and cold seem to finally be here to stay.  We were blanketed on Halloween, but the snow melted a day or two later.  Now the wind is howling outside and the cold bites at my face and fingers. 

Images and memories of Alaska winters (albeit in Juneau) always creep back into my mind.  Time is funny in that I don't have as many vivid memories...but I can trace back feelings and flashes of the past.  I can remember quiet nights of walking in the snow, and the only sounds were of my footsteps and the large, fluffy flakes landing.  I can also recall sledding and bundling-up before heading out into the elements.  No wonder my main concern when I saw the single-digit forecasts was making sure our kids had boots, hats, gloves, and coats!  I am sure today parents are scrambling at the stores hoping to find remaining pairs of boots and any gloves to cover frozen digits! 

So tonight we skip our normal taekwando session in favor of getting home and playing around the fireplace and getting a jump on dishes, lunches, and getting comfortable in pajamas.  Part of my mind is telling me to curl-up and snooze...but another part is telling me to get up and enjoy this time we have together in a warm house.  I know these things do not last forever...just like winter.

Daddy and Violet:  Ghostbuster and SWAT team on Halloween!

Violet selected Crusade Burger for her birthday dinner.  This was the milkshake that she ordered.  Yes...that is a milkshake...with Oreo pie, Oreo cookies, and Oreo chocolate bark on top!  


Sam eating eggs and typing on his computer.

Bagels that Violet made.  They did not last long.

Violet the baker.

Sam in the car.

Audrey and Daddy after getting haircuts this weekend.  

Audrey got 10 inches cut off.  IT was a little dramatic...but she looks great!

Oskar is back home after a stint in Indiana.  He is content tonight to snooze by the fire.  Good boy.