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Sunday, November 24, 2019


Uncle Stuart and the kids chow down!

A football game is on while Kim and Sam light-up the Christmas tree.  It is a lazy Sunday, with lots of Thanksgiving leftovers from our dinner yesterday with my dad, uncle, and friend.  The sun is setting and I am comfortably plopped on my dad couch next to the fire.  The house is fairly clean and laundry will be ready to fold soon.   

This is a pie called "Fat Elvis", which involves layers of pretzels, banana chips, banana pudding, chocolate pudding, and peanut butter topping!

Last night, our family friend, Davey, drove my dad and Uncle Stuart out to our house for an early Thanksgiving meal.  Since my dad is not attending our traditional Thanksgiving in Virginia, I thought it would be nice to have one with him.  Kim made the turkey and all of the trimmings...which we have also been enjoying all day today!  It was a nice evening of laughter, college football, taekwondo demonstrations, and contentment.  The next two days include parent/teacher conferences and packing for our trip.  This weekend was yet another reminder to how lucky I am to be a part of this family and recognize all that I have.  We spend time looking for things all too often, but today I take a moment to realize how much I have and how full my heart is.


Cheesecake:  Amaretto, espresso, and pumpkin.   

MORE cheesecake!:  classic, chocolate chip, and key lime.

Kim was amazing and filled all of our plates.  

Davey walking, talking, and snacking while Violet shows Uncle Stuart her Kindle.

Sam playing at his alphabet table.

Audrey spending some quiet time by the fireplace.

Zadie and Oskar

Davey and Violet converse.  

Zayde and Violet chilling on the couch.

Violet demonstrating her red belt form.

Sam fell asleep on the Dad Pad.

Sam and Uncle Stuart holding hands.  

Sam and the men.

Kim and Sam start the decoration process.  Life is good.

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