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Monday, November 11, 2019

A Cold Blanket

And so it is winter. 

The days have been getting darker and darker, and the snow and cold seem to finally be here to stay.  We were blanketed on Halloween, but the snow melted a day or two later.  Now the wind is howling outside and the cold bites at my face and fingers. 

Images and memories of Alaska winters (albeit in Juneau) always creep back into my mind.  Time is funny in that I don't have as many vivid memories...but I can trace back feelings and flashes of the past.  I can remember quiet nights of walking in the snow, and the only sounds were of my footsteps and the large, fluffy flakes landing.  I can also recall sledding and bundling-up before heading out into the elements.  No wonder my main concern when I saw the single-digit forecasts was making sure our kids had boots, hats, gloves, and coats!  I am sure today parents are scrambling at the stores hoping to find remaining pairs of boots and any gloves to cover frozen digits! 

So tonight we skip our normal taekwando session in favor of getting home and playing around the fireplace and getting a jump on dishes, lunches, and getting comfortable in pajamas.  Part of my mind is telling me to curl-up and snooze...but another part is telling me to get up and enjoy this time we have together in a warm house.  I know these things do not last forever...just like winter.

Daddy and Violet:  Ghostbuster and SWAT team on Halloween!

Violet selected Crusade Burger for her birthday dinner.  This was the milkshake that she ordered.  Yes...that is a milkshake...with Oreo pie, Oreo cookies, and Oreo chocolate bark on top!  


Sam eating eggs and typing on his computer.

Bagels that Violet made.  They did not last long.

Violet the baker.

Sam in the car.

Audrey and Daddy after getting haircuts this weekend.  

Audrey got 10 inches cut off.  IT was a little dramatic...but she looks great!

Oskar is back home after a stint in Indiana.  He is content tonight to snooze by the fire.  Good boy.

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