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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Photos as of late

Here is another round of pictures off of my phone.  Life is moving so quickly...glad that I can capture a few seconds of it to remember!  -a

Dad and Sam.  I tried a beard for a while.  I liked it.  

Selfie on a sunny day.

Oskar is annoyed that I am taking a picture rather than taking him on the walk.

I was challenged to find pomegranates.  I succeeded.  

Audrey and Hannah enjoying the sunny day!

Hannah, Big Sam, Violet, Audrey, and Little Sam on a hill.  

This is one of my favorites.  Cousins on a hill.  

Panoramic picture in downtown Naperville when Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene visited!  

Naperville mural photo.

Ice cream break with Aunt Irene!  Violet and Sam are happy campers!  

Audrey and Mommy enjoying ice cream on a hot day!  

My latest patch for my Ghostbusters uniform.  This is from the firehouse in New York where the movie was filmed!  I got to see it when I was in NY for the marathon a few years ago.  

Of course milk and cookies!  

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