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Friday, November 25, 2022

A Different Thanksgiving

A family US-ie on Thanksgiving by the tree.

All of our bags were packed and ready to go, literally by the door for when I returned home from work on Tuesday.  Our Richmond pilgrimage was set and the gas tank was full  Influenza A had a different plan for Sam and our family, he caught it last weekend and has been battling a fever and symptoms since.  

It was difficult yet easy to make the decision to not travel to Richmond this year.  The pandemic has taught us that it is simply not worth risking health over anything else.  It was sad to have to inform people, but everyone was very understanding and empathetic.  Yet another reason I love our family so very much.


So we made the most of it and placed a grocery order and made all kinds of Thanksgiving foods at home, while caught-up in an endless cycle of video games, movies, TV, and sports.  Lots of memories of Thanksgivings past also flooded our minds and hearts...we could feel the love radiating from afar last night.  

It was not an evening of sadness or regret or missing family, though....but truly helped us realize again just how special it is when we are able to gather together and share time.  Time....there it is.  I realize more and more just how little of it there really is....and just how nice it is when we cross paths and wander down the same route for a while all together.   We are so lucky and it is easy to find reasons to give thanks this season.

Got the solo 10k Turkey Trot in...some strange looks when I gobbled at people.

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