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Saturday, November 12, 2022

Low Sun

 Sam and I are curled up on the couch, enjoying some Saturday cartoons and a well-deserved rest.  The ladies are out shopping and having some time out...but the boys stayed home and cleaned and made cookies.  Now we sit with fresh blankets after a warm bath for Sam, savoring some quiet time together.  

The weather has turned.  After daylight savings, it has been dark and a bit depressing in the afternoons with the sun setting at what seems a ridiculously early hour.  I am ready for bed at 6pm when it is pitch black out.  It always reminds me of growing up in Juneau, where it was dark when we woke-up....when we went to school.....and when we got home at the end of the day....winters seemed so long.

I guess that is how I am feeling now...waiting for the first flurries of snow (anticipated in a couple hours).  As the years speed-up...I start to identify more and more with those who made the decision to retire somewhere warm for the winters!   I know that once we adjust, things will be fine and we will have another winter together as a is just some adjustment.  

So now the sun is setting and we are ready to start dinner preparations and maybe a football game on TV...but most likely Ghostbusters.  :-)  While the darkness deepens outside, we keep warm and happy inside our home.  How lucky we are.


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