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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Moving Forward

And so we look into the new year....a few days remaining in this one, for sure.  However, one can't help but think about renewed hopes and untapped possibilities this time in December.  

The Christmas and Hanukkah holidays were very nice.  It was fun to see some family and open gifts.  Gatherings are something I am thankful for, especially after COVID took them away for a while.   It has been a wonderful year, with adventures as a family to Disney and Juneau the major highlights.  

 I am so proud of Kim and her work, as well as my children and their school and friendships and activities in their own lives.  Audrey continues to work hard with her flute playing and is developing her passion there.  Violet finished her second year of soccer and continues to look for more physical challenges.  Sam overcame his broken leg and has the biggest heart.  I am truly lucky to be a part of this family.

And so now we look ahead...while still trying to enjoy these last few days of 2022 by simply resting and recovering from the strain of making it to this point!  

Personally I like to think of big things, such as visiting friends in Alaska, skydiving, maybe another tattoo...and of course continuing in the field of education and finding more time to spend with my family.  I also hope to read more and try a new hobby or develop a new skill.  The idea of a side hustle isn't out of the realm of possibility, either!  Who knows?  I hope we find more adventures and experiences both collectively as a family and individually, that will help us grow and become better versions of ourselves.  

Wherever you are, I hope this message finds you well.  May 2023 be a year of health, peace, and meaningful experiences for you.  


Friday, December 23, 2022

Cold Rest

 It is -8 degrees below zero this morning.  It feels like -25 with the wind.  It is also the first morning of our winter break.  We are all buried in blankets and comfy clothes.  The coffee is hot and the wind howls.  Christmas is coming, and gifts await wrapping, and the house demands cleaning.  It feels as if everyone has been straining to get to this first morning of break, and now that it is here, we find ourselves on empty.  Now is the time we need to refuel and return to full strength in terms of sleep and rest and general recovery.  Today we take things slow.  Today we take care to take care.  Today is the start of winter break.  Today is a cold rest.  

Sunday, December 18, 2022


Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies

Sometimes it is nice to make something for others.  Sometimes it is necessary to forget about the rest of the world and focus on balancing sugar and butter and eggs and chocolate for a while.  There is something magical each time a pan of chocolate chip cookies is pulled from the oven.  

Classic Chocolate Chip

My mom taught me how to bake at a young age.  Being able to make cookies and pizza dough has served me well over the years.  Learning how to hold the bowl and use a spatula and the measuring spoons and what each ingredient added to the overall production.  Baking is a science of sorts...and also a production with cast members being the ingredients.  When a performer (baking soda) doesn't fulfill their roll...the whole production falls flat (pun intended).  Never-the-less...the show must go on.  

Killer Cupcakes (chocolate and cheesecake chip)

 Now I rely on my trusty standbys....including cookies, bagels, and some bread.  I hope that my own children learn with me in the kitchen and find value in baking their own goods and understanding the superiority of a fresh baked item over its store-bought counterpart.  I hope they see the delight in the eyes of others when it is discovered someone made cookies!  Every winter I find myself retreating into the kitchen to bake...something about cold weather and a hot oven.  I hope to make more loaves of bread this year...give them to others.  There is beauty in the simplicity of the ingredients and method for me.  Flour, sugar, eggs...basic and fantastic at the same time.  


Sunday, December 4, 2022

A Cold December Morning


Sam gets a dozen of his favorite this morning!

It is quite a thing to wake-up before the sun rises on a Sunday morning.  The chill of December tries to infiltrate our house...but piles of blankets and a relentless heater refuse to let the chill in.  As the coffee brews and the dogs eat their morning kibble, the sun begins to take a peek at the day.  

A load of dishes, clean counters, and folded laundry await the complete sunrise this morning, and now we sit around the living room as a whole family...enjoying the fireplace and some mindless screen time.  Now the morning is rolling and all the small things need attention.  That's ok for a quiet, cold December morning.  
