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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Moving Forward

And so we look into the new year....a few days remaining in this one, for sure.  However, one can't help but think about renewed hopes and untapped possibilities this time in December.  

The Christmas and Hanukkah holidays were very nice.  It was fun to see some family and open gifts.  Gatherings are something I am thankful for, especially after COVID took them away for a while.   It has been a wonderful year, with adventures as a family to Disney and Juneau the major highlights.  

 I am so proud of Kim and her work, as well as my children and their school and friendships and activities in their own lives.  Audrey continues to work hard with her flute playing and is developing her passion there.  Violet finished her second year of soccer and continues to look for more physical challenges.  Sam overcame his broken leg and has the biggest heart.  I am truly lucky to be a part of this family.

And so now we look ahead...while still trying to enjoy these last few days of 2022 by simply resting and recovering from the strain of making it to this point!  

Personally I like to think of big things, such as visiting friends in Alaska, skydiving, maybe another tattoo...and of course continuing in the field of education and finding more time to spend with my family.  I also hope to read more and try a new hobby or develop a new skill.  The idea of a side hustle isn't out of the realm of possibility, either!  Who knows?  I hope we find more adventures and experiences both collectively as a family and individually, that will help us grow and become better versions of ourselves.  

Wherever you are, I hope this message finds you well.  May 2023 be a year of health, peace, and meaningful experiences for you.  


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