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Monday, May 29, 2023

Summer Upon Us

 The sun has risen and faint sounds of robins chirping are ushered through the open window along with a cool morning breeze.  The neighborhood is slowly beginning to stir on this Memorial Day, and the possibility of a doughnut run grows ever-larger in my mind.  More importantly, however, is the fact that this is the first Monday of our summer.  For the foreseeable future, there is no more school....lesson plans....anxiety....grades...homework....

Just summer.

The days are endless with possibility, and they will be what we make of them.  Trips to the zoo, baseball games, bike rides, night walks, running, playing, sleeping...adventures to Indiana, Minnesota, is all in front of us...and there is the thrill of it all.  Periods of time that are not yet determined for us...that is the adventure.  Where choice is what we have, the power we wield.  All too often, our time is already accounted for and spent.  It is considered wise to know where you will be in life at certain pints in time, but we often feel that time is moving too quickly in an effort to reach those certain points.  Now, though, we have time that is yet spent...time that has not been assigned a post...time that is ours to distribute.  

So I savor the cool breeze and the serenade of the robins, and I can hear Sam stirring upstairs.  The coffee is good and the calendar is empty for now...and I am doing my best to enjoy this time that is mine.


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