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Thursday, June 8, 2023

Lost in the Gray

 We are now into the first couple weeks of summer...something I like to refer to as "The Gray".  It is a time when we shed most of our schedules, tensions, habits, and routines from the school year and simply marinate in the time we have with minimal scheduling or activities.  The children get to sleep until they are awake, and stay awake until they are asleep.  Screens, movies, snacks, softball, walks, bikes, runs, books, art, STEAM projects...these are the things that have filled The Gray lately.  

We stew and enjoy the lack of any real time constraints for the moment, but bigger things are on the horizon that will require our awareness of the calendar!  We are looking forward to seeing Aunt Eden in a week, and will need to get the house in operating conditions as far as general cleanliness goes.  Audrey also has high school marching band practice as well as flute lessons and a recital coming up!  Violet will be busy with basketball camp and general hanging out with friends around the neighborhood.  Sam has been active with his STEAM projects, and going to the park and library with me.  Baseball games, Zoo trips, movie nights, carnivals, baking, cooking, walks, and many other mini-adventures await out there on the horizon for us.

Today is another lazy start but also so enjoyable.  Sam and I are on the couch and the girls are asleep, after another night of being awake way too late.  The day is supposed to be a cooler one, so maybe a walk this afternoon with the dogs!  Keep it simple, keep it simple.  Things will get more complex as time moves forward, but for now I am savoring these quiet mornings and simple times.  There will be time, soon enough, where we will look back on these unstructured mornings with great envy.  


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